
ELD compliance service

Case Details

  • Date:
    10/15/2021 -
  • Client:
    HTB Transco Corp;
    MHT Group Inc.
  • Category:
    Logistics / Transportation
  • Website:

Project Description

We are a company that values safety on the road and knows how to accomplish the same. This is an ongoing project for this client and approaches the client’s needs most appropriately. We helped drivers understand ELDs and how to use them. Our team is trained on all FMCSA-required ELD features and functions, and these are actions they have been taking:

  • Log-in procedures.
  • Providing orientation for new drivers.
  • Responding to unassigned driving hours in ELD records.
  • Recording duty status changes.
  • Editing records.
  • Adding notes to records that explain edits or additions.
  • Certifying records are complete and accurate.
  • Accessing RODS data from the ELD.
  • Reviewing and understanding ELD printout/display information.
  • Identifying, correcting, and reporting data diagnostic issues.
  • Reporting ELD malfunctions.

We created a plan tailored to our operations and we stick to it.